Okay, I don’t know that Robert, the 14-year old developer of Bubble Ball, isn’t sorry for taking over the top spot in the App Store — from Angry Birds — but I doubt that he is.
Bubble Ball is a simple physics-based game written using Corona SDK and released for free a week or so ago. In the first week it had over 300,000 downloads and when I heard that I honestly thought maybe the developer has misread the numbers. After all, there were only about 16 comments on the game at the time.
But fast-forward to today and check the App Store. This afternoon Bubble Ball is #1 and the free version of Angry Birds Seasons has dropped to the #2 place!
That’s an awesome accomplishment for anyone, but for a 14-year old to hit that mark on his FIRST APP, is crazy awesome.
Robert, of NayGames.com, is probably a freakin’ genius, but I’ll bet at least some of his success lies in his choice of development tool — Corona SDK. That’s what I like most about Corona — you can jump in and even if you don’t have hardcore game dev experience, you can create a game on your own.
Whether it hits #1 or not is another matter, but it boils down to this:
If you want to be a programmer, dive into Objective-C and Xcode.
But if you want to make games, use Corona SDK.
how can i get semi circle shape in physics body
By using the shape parameter when defining the body of your physics object. See this page:
The easiest way to create a shape around an object is by using Physics Editor, available from this site:
It’s a *very* handy tool.