I’m having a hard time getting back into the swing of things after the holiday weekend (here in the USA). Most holidays I work right on through, but this time I spent almost three entire days NOT working. Well, I documented some of the artwork needed for Dwayne, but it wasn’t until today that I […]
Horse Crazy – Artist on Board
26 days before Horse Crazy has to be submitted to Apple and the project has an artist. Dwayne Ferguson (http://www.diehardstudio.com/) and I have traded art and programming in the past, but this project will be our first “joint venture.” It’s kind of a secret for now, but we actually talked about doing a big project […]
Horse Crazy – Listing the Art
Stinking holidays! Okay, I’m a day behind schedule thanks to camping trips and things like that, but I did get the list of art assets done today. It’s posted here: http://gamedevnation.com/horse-crazy-art-assets/ The thing I’m really wondering about is whether I can find someone who can do that in 2-3 weeks? I may be underestimating the […]
Horse Crazy – The Screens
Day 1 – I registered the HorseCrazyGame.com domain name, wrote some test code for Horse Crazy (HC), and came up with the screens needed for the first version of the app. This Is Horse Crazy The game allows you to choose a horse, name it, and bring it into a stall where you can groom […]
horse crazy, ipad game, iphone game, ipod touch gameHorse Crazy – A New iOS Game in 30 Days
90 days ago I had a great idea for an app and rushed to the Developer center to see if the name was already taken — it wasn’t! So I got it all set up to start coding and… …life intervened and I put it on the back burner. Today I got a nice reminder […]
horse crazy, ipad game, iphone game, ipod touch gameCreate A Simon Game in Solar2D

[Updated July 31, 2020] On the Solar2D forums someone asked about creating a Simon-like game where the computer highlights a color and the user touches the same one, then computer highlights two colors and user does the same, etc. Simon was one of the top electronic games in the 80s. The question on the forum […]
color, game design, sequence, simon, tablesShuffling Your Data

Shuffling data isn’t just something that a card game might need — in my game Match Game Magic I needed to shuffle picture objects between each level. In this article I’ll introduce you to some code that might help in your game. Even though it’s not just card games that can make use of shuffling, […]
cards, coding, corona sdk tutorial, lua, programming, shuffle, tableUsing print() from a Device (kinda)
While a visual debugger would give everyone thrills, Corona SDK doesn’t have that (yet). But we do have the handy-dandy print() statement so we can print out debug strings and figure out what’s wrong with our code. Unfortunately, print() doesn’t work on the device, and so if you run into a problem that doesn’t show […]
Better Buttons in Corona SDK
It’s easy to make a button using Corona SDK, but making a button that acts correctly takes a little more work. With the code in this sample you’ll be making good buttons and simplifying your code at the same time. Right-click the link below to grab a zip file containing the article (full details of […]
Updating GDN
In the next week or two you’ll see some massive changes to the GDN site. Some will be aesthetic, such as a new theme that will make it easier to read the content, and some will be directed at GDN members to make the site more valuable. When you log in as a GDN member […]