While I’m not posting about Devtober every day, I’m working every day (at least a little) on getting a platformer library available for Solar2D. Honestly, I’m very far behind where I expected to be — I’m still working on getting up to speed with the PonyTiled tiling engine which is giving me fits. I *know* […]
#Devtober 2020 – Day 1
I’m getting off to a bad start for Devtober 2020… https://itch.io/jam/devtober-2020 …in that I didn’t make a lot of progress, but I did *something* today, at least. Instead of working on a specific game this month. my plan is to put together a library that will help folks (including me) make platformers in Solar2D (the […]
Head to the Playground
The info in this post will be of use to anyone using Solar2D, but it will be especially awesome for people who are: Just learning about Solar2D Trying to decide whether to use it for game dev Curious about whether the hype about how fast you can create games in Solar2D is only hype, or […]
Release Solar2D 2020.3611
Changes since previous build: Adds a lateUpdate event called after the enterFrame event. This would be called like this:
1 |
Runtime:addEventListener("lateUpdate", functionThatDoesSomething) |
Most (many?) people will never need this, but if you’re wanting to do something after every other object in the scene has been moved/updated, this is where you’d handle that. Here’s a link to the […]
buildWhy Solar2D for Game Dev?
While I’ve used Unity (which you’ve heard of) to create and publish 2D games, what I turn to first is a game framework that you’ve probably never heard of — Solar2D. It’s been around for about a decade, although the first nine years it was known as Corona SDK — which you’ve probably also never […]
Solar2D Composer Book Online
I’ve decided to put my Composer book online — you can read the whole thing on this site and then put it to use in your own Solar2D games and apps.
How to Become a Part-Time Indie Game Developer
In my case, the answer was to get a job. You see, for the past 12 years I’ve been self-employed, and for the last 6 of those years I was making my living with games (and game development tools and tutorials). Which meant I was a full time indie game dev. Woohoo! But like most […]
gamedev, indie, job, part-timeSolar2D or Unity for 2D Games?
Updated July 31, 2020 – Originally written about Corona SDK, but that game dev framework has been renamed as Solar2D. My opinion hasn’t changed, even though I’ve created many more games in both since then. Q. I see you do tutorials for both Solar2D and Unity. If I’m just wanting to create 2D games, which […]
Upcoming Tutorials
My schedule has just gotten more full than ever. My first priority is to finish a game I’ve been poking at for more than a year. *Gulp!* I can’t believe it’s been that long, but it’s getting closer to the finish line. Tied for second place is finishing the new Corona SDK biz app tutorials […]
corona sdk, lanica, platino, tutorials, unity