Great article that talks about the importance of user retention in your games and shows the pros and cons of the best retention methods available. While it’s kind of aimed at games as a service, it’s worth reading even if you’re working on just a solo game. Source: What drives retention – Raph’s Website
Soon, GameMaker Might Not Suck
YoYo Games has announced the beta release of GameMaker Studio 2, a huge jump from the previous version. I just watched about an hour of videos showing off the new features and I can confidently say, “Soon, GameMaker might not suck!” They suck now because they broke up with the girl they took to the […]
How games are changing the way we stay fit
Short article on the gamification of fitness apps. May spark some ideas for “fitness games” of your own. How games are changing the way we stay fit | Public Radio International
Marmalade ceasing SDK support, focusing on game making
I’ve always kind of liked Marmalade, especially their “Quick” version that’s Lua-based and a lot like Corona SDK. Too bad to see the Marmalade SDK is being closed. Marmalade ceasing SDK support, focusing on game making | “”
Platforming Ledge Forgiveness
This isn’t a new article, but I just saw it (so new to me!) and it’s a great look at a technique that could come in handy if you’re creating a platformer. Platforming Ledge Forgiveness
platformerUnderstanding Pac-Man Ghost Behavior
Not sure if I ever posted this before, but I should have. It’s an awesome and comprehensive look at the “AI” behind the ghosts in the classic Pac-Man game. I’m in the middle of making a game inspired by Pac-Man, so this info is perfect for what I’m doing. But even if you’re not doing […]
How to Start a Mobile Game Company with Business in Mind | Chartboost
This is an older article (late last year), but if you’re interested in starting your own game studio you may find it interesting. It’s *not* chock full of details — this is the kind of article you read when you’re just thinking about the idea, not the article you read for details on all the […]
Flocking – AI for Game Developers [Book]
A look inside one of the books offered by O’Reilly — this chapter talks about flocking behavior, which could be useful in a lot of games. 4. Flocking – AI for Game Developers [Book]