[Updated July 31, 2020] There are many times when I need a random true or false in my code. Maybe I want to show the red spaceship some of the time and the blue spaceship the rest of the time. So I created a coinToss() function that gives me back a random true or false. […]
Won’t You Be My (Grid) Neighbor

I’m working on an update to Froggy Went A Hoppin’ and want to make some things generic that I hardcoded in the first version. One of those is being able to see the “neighbors” of a given lily pad in the pond. For example, in the following level map: 1,1,0,4,1,0,1,1,0,4,1, 1,2,1,2,0,1,1,2,1,2,0, 1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1, 2,0,1,1,0,2,2,0,1,1,0, 1,1,0,4,1,0,1,1,0,4,1, […]
Transition.to() Based on Distance, Not Time
[Updated Jul 30, 2020] Using transition.to() for animation is one of the most awesome things about Solar2D. It makes simple animation quick and easy. However, it’s based on time — move the object from Point A to Point B over a specified amount of time. Which means if you want to move something different distance […]
0.9.0 – LÖVE
As much as I love Lua, I’m not sure why I don’t love LÖVE. It’s now been updated to version 0.9.0 — maybe I’ll love it when it hits 1.0? In case you’re not familiar with it, from their web site: “LÖVE is a framework for making 2D games in the Lua programming language. LÖVE is […]
Hiding a Level Editor in Your Game
I’m finishing up a simple game called Froggy Went A Hoppin’ that’s for the Beginning Mobile Game Development course I’m creating. There are multiple levels where you need to hop a frog from one lily-pad to the next to get him across the pond. For the first several levels I just created them by hand […]
What’s Wrong with Game Software Tools I love the idea of Stencyl, I love the fast development of Corona SDK, and I love the expandability of Moai SDK. But there’s nothing out there that does “game dev software” the right way. At least to my way of thinking. Let’s create a list of 2D game […]
gamedevLock/Unlock Game Levels in Solar2D
[Updated August 3, 2020] Reading the forums I see the same questions come up again and again – which is fine, because everybody’s new at the beginning. But there are some questions that frustrate me because while the question is valid, the thinking behind the question is based on assumptions that make me think the […]
director, levels, simplicity, storyboardMoai or Corona – Which SDK for You?
Moai SDK has been in the news lately and I’ve had a few people ask me what I think about it for game development — mainly as an alternative to Corona SDK. Right on the Moai website (in the FAQ section if you want to look it up) the designers of that framework say who […]
game development, moaiLook for Existing Columns in a SQLite Database Table
Shooting for Genericity
[Updated August 7, 2020] Unless you’re going to code the next Angry Birds and then just retire to a life of leisure, you’re going to be writing Lua and Solar2D code over and over again. And starting from scratch every time is nice if you’re looking for finger exercises, but if you want to speed […]
corona sdk, events, lua, tap, touch, tutorial