I’m getting off to a bad start for Devtober 2020… https://itch.io/jam/devtober-2020 …in that I didn’t make a lot of progress, but I did *something* today, at least. Instead of working on a specific game this month. my plan is to put together a library that will help folks (including me) make platformers in Solar2D (the […]
Head to the Playground
The info in this post will be of use to anyone using Solar2D, but it will be especially awesome for people who are: Just learning about Solar2D Trying to decide whether to use it for game dev Curious about whether the hype about how fast you can create games in Solar2D is only hype, or […]
Release Solar2D 2020.3611
Changes since previous build: Adds a lateUpdate event called after the enterFrame event. This would be called like this:
1 |
Runtime:addEventListener("lateUpdate", functionThatDoesSomething) |
Most (many?) people will never need this, but if you’re wanting to do something after every other object in the scene has been moved/updated, this is where you’d handle that. Here’s a link to the […]
buildMurder and Mayhem with Solar2D
[Updated August 4, 2020] Right before last Christmas Electronic Arts dropped the price on more than 50 games in the App Store. Instead of $4.99, $5.99 and up, they were all just 99 cents. The idea was to drive the EA apps to the top of the charts just before Apple froze the list for […]
Birth of a New Game Dev Video Course
[Updated August 19, 2020] Chasy Maze (final name) never did turn into a course, but it was just updated for iOS devices and can be downloaded for free here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/chasy-maze/id1139444245 A few weeks ago I started brainstorming ideas for a new game development course and before I can create the video tutorials I have to […]
How to Start a Mobile Game Company with Business in Mind | Chartboost
This is an older article (late last year), but if you’re interested in starting your own game studio you may find it interesting. It’s *not* chock full of details — this is the kind of article you read when you’re just thinking about the idea, not the article you read for details on all the […]
Swift, Corona SDK, Game Dev, and Me
On the first day of WWDC 2014 Apple surprised everyone with the introduction of “Objective-C without the C” — a new programming language called Swift. It’s a language that leans more toward typical “scripting” languages than compiler-based languages (although it’s still compiled and apparently is very fast). I’m one of those folks who gave up […]
A Random True/False in Solar2D
[Updated July 31, 2020] There are many times when I need a random true or false in my code. Maybe I want to show the red spaceship some of the time and the blue spaceship the rest of the time. So I created a coinToss() function that gives me back a random true or false. […]
Won’t You Be My (Grid) Neighbor
I’m working on an update to Froggy Went A Hoppin’ and want to make some things generic that I hardcoded in the first version. One of those is being able to see the “neighbors” of a given lily pad in the pond. For example, in the following level map: 1,1,0,4,1,0,1,1,0,4,1, 1,2,1,2,0,1,1,2,1,2,0, 1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1, 2,0,1,1,0,2,2,0,1,1,0, 1,1,0,4,1,0,1,1,0,4,1, […]
Moving Multiple Objects in Solar2D
[Updated August 4, 2020] There’s a cool tutorial video (and sample code) on the Three Ring Ranch video course site. It’s free (although requires you register on the site) and talks about managing display objects that are “mass created” and don’t have variable names attached to them. For example, in a loop like this: