There are SO many resource available for learning Unity that it’s easy, I think, to flit from one to the other so much that you don’t ever really get going. (Personal experience?)
Of course you should keep coming back here to the GDN Unity 2D tutorial videos, but I’d also recommend grabbing a book that has you building a simple project and then actually DO the examples in the book — go through the whole thing.
There are two books I’d recommend right now (both are affiliate links) —
Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity 4: All-in-one, multi-platform game development – by Sue Blackmon.
This is one I’ve been going through and it’s easy to understand and doesn’t get bogged down in boring stuff. 🙂
Unity Game Development in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself – by Mike Geig.
I don’t have this one yet (it’s on the way), but I recommend it based on watching the author’s live online training and looking through the online portions of the book.
There are probably other books that are really good, but these are both relatively new and cover Unity 4.x so they’re based on the current version.