Corona Labs announced a price hike today for the Pro version of Corona SDK framework — instead of $350 a year for iOS and Android, it’s going to be $600 a year. Thwack! Like a 2×4 upside the head. That was my first reaction. However… …they also announced Corona SDK Starter edition, which is just […]
Shuffling Your Data

Shuffling data isn’t just something that a card game might need — in my game Match Game Magic I needed to shuffle picture objects between each level. In this article I’ll introduce you to some code that might help in your game. Even though it’s not just card games that can make use of shuffling, […]
cards, coding, corona sdk tutorial, lua, programming, shuffle, tablePlaying with Numbers and Colors
If you’ve done any HTML work you’re probably familiar with setting colors using hexadecimal values, such as #FFFFFF for white, #000000 for black, and #FF30F0 for a weird pinkish-purple color. But in Corona SDK you set colors using those odd base-10 numbers, so that last color would be set using something like:
1 |
blob:setFillColor(255, 48, 249) |
I don’t […]
coding, colors, corona sdk tutorial, lua, programmingMoving Sunbeams in Corona SDK
In this tutorial you’ll discover how to create a moving sunbeam effect in your Corona SDK project. First, watch the video to see what it looks like: The sample project actually looks better than in the video because I did a little tweaking after recording that. Here’s where you can grab the sample project including […]
corona sdk tutorial, graphics, special effectsMake A ‘Lives Left’ Number Count Down
Q. I’d like to have a counter on the screen go backwards every time my guy gets killed — a number that shows the lives you have left. How do you do that? A. While there are a lot of ways this could be done, I’m going to show you the fastest and easiest way. […]
corona sdk tutorialSuspend and Resume a Game
Q. When the user presses the Home button on the iPhone how do I save the game for when the user comes back? A. Corona SDK doesn’t support multi-tasking at this time, but when the app exits you could save the state of the game and then when the user launches it again, look and […]
corona sdk tutorial, database, game development