It doesn’t matter whether a kid is in public school or whether he or she is homeschooled — almost every kid loves computer games. And there’s a certain percentage of those who not only want to play video games, but they want to make them, too. With the game engines available today that’s completely possible […]
Moai or Corona – Which SDK for You?
Moai SDK has been in the news lately and I’ve had a few people ask me what I think about it for game development — mainly as an alternative to Corona SDK. Right on the Moai website (in the FAQ section if you want to look it up) the designers of that framework say who […]
game development, moaiSuspend and Resume a Game
Q. When the user presses the Home button on the iPhone how do I save the game for when the user comes back? A. Corona SDK doesn’t support multi-tasking at this time, but when the app exits you could save the state of the game and then when the user launches it again, look and […]
corona sdk tutorial, database, game developmentHow Being A Lazy Bum Can Be A Good Thing
Being called a “lazy bum” could mean you’re about to be fired from your job. Or your Dad is about to kick you out of the house. Or your wife is packing up the kids and going to her mother’s. It’s not a good thing to be a lazy bum. Well, unless you’re choosy about […]
automation, coding, game development, ios programming, programmingAdventure Game Machine: My Tools
While I’m a big fan of game development tools like Torque Game Builder, etc., at this point I plan to create Adventure Game Machine using straight Xcode/Objective-C. While I plan on diving into TGB (and iTGB, the iOS version) in the near future, to make AGM look good with that tool I’d need artwork — […]
adventure game, game design, game development, game development tools